I find it extremely ironic that I post this onto a blog, although its original was actually on a piece of paper. Outdated concept I know. I fear that this world has indeed been drained of the virtuous ideals that were once common practice. Being a hopeless idealistic person, I would like to believe that somewhere, someone would reinstate the noble lifestyle. One might think I am speaking of knights and ancient kings. This is where the thought began, but as it developed I realized that no honor can be found anywhere. Face to face conversation is rare, integrity a lofty hope, romanticism diminished into the ridiculous process of online dating. It is painful to me to witness what this technology dependent world has come to. Manners are a special treat when practiced. A female being treated like a lady without some preconceived intentions is almost unheard of. So, why is it that I mourn this most tragic event? Is it because I have to escape to hundred year old literary pieces to cling to any knowledge that dignity did exist at one point? I mourn this loss because I believe it is disheartening to picture a world where courtship is no more than an e-mail or message over the wires of an invented machine. A world that no longer knows the meaning of valor. Where Shakespeare is something shoved down the throats of junior high students who have yet to harness their own emotions, let alone be able to delve into the thoughts of a poet who lived centuries before them. This world has slaughtered chivalry. This internet based, i-addicted world that is so bent on instant gratification it no longer can experience the satisfaction of patience, inner peace, and stillness.
My heart breaks for future generations that will never see what they are capable of. Human nature is no longer that of conscience decisions. Our public figures look at love as a fleeting emotion to be dispensed on whomever walks by that they feel infatuated with. Then when faced with accountability write it off as an addiction. I may have pre-tech values, but they are values that have withstood war and famine and plagues. Values that have been rebirthed in books, plays, and movies for generations. Have people become so petty to ignore basic principles of which so many have been decorated for? Chivalry and chivalrous actions cannot be buried thus forgotten. Sometimes it takes realizing what a great loss we would be suffering if we allowed such a monstrosity to happen. Look at the world as it turns into grey before you. Is this the sadness that is to overtake mankind? I truly hope not.